Care Homes & Community Houses
Simeon Care for the Elderly

One of the exciting features of this dementia care home is the carefully designed zoning plan of the grounds, which maximises resident safety and wellbeing in the park-like gardens. This achieved by a well-designed network of pathways, activity zones and resting areas with natural screens and concealed barriers that provide a “safe home route”, no matter where residents wander. The technical design was developed in collaboration with Chalfont Design and Camphill Architects.

This strategy of “interest drawn meandering” is equally reflected in the room programme, with several distinct common areas in the main house, grouped around a semi-open dining kitchen for informal breaks, participatory meal preparation and culinary activities. Quiet zones with garden rooms and internal planting areas enable a relaxing nature proximity throughout the seasons. Individual resident rooms are carefully zoned to distinguish resting and sleeping alcoves from brighter day areas, with doors opening out to patios and raised planters personal to each suite.

Strengthening sensory experiences in the immediate environment, nurtures the soul and wellbeing of residents; reminding us of our close relationship with nature, particularly at a life stage where senses can fail us, to provide a gratifying reassurance of the cyclical nature of life.

Powdeggie Houses, Aberdeen

Participatory design approach to develop a cluster of supported living accommodation. Two, four and six bedroom units, with generous living quarters overlooking the Dee valley.

Set into sweeping slopes, the curved roofs emulate the setting, providing a lively and diverse ambience with distinct design features. The colour scheme was developed with the residents and draws is cues from the natural surroundings.

Elidyr Communities Trust, Wales

Residential family-style care houses for students with additional support needs. Based on a life- sharing model, learners practice their skills at home and in college in a 24/7 learning environment.

The emphasis is on inclusion and integration, which is mirrored in the architectural approach. The design blends welsh vernacular themes of slate and natural stone with a more vibrant local colour palette found in the immediate environment.